Friday, January 16, 2009

Govt vows to protect female schools in Swat

ISLAMABAD :Minister for Information and Broadcasting Sherry Rehman said on Friday that the government would cooperate with the provincial government in its steps for protection of female educational institutions in Swat and some other parts of North West Frontier Province (NWFP).

Responding to some points of order raised by some opposition MNAs regarding attacks on female schools in Swat, the minister said that the president and prime minister have taken serious notice of these attacks.

She said that the Pakistan Peoples Party has always tried to create consensus against the menace of terrorism." Our great leader Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto sacrificed her life during struggle against dictatorship and terrorism and the PPP got February 18 mandate for its anti-terrorism stance", said the minister.

She said that empowerment of women and protection of women's rights was an important part of the PPP manifesto. She said that the Awami National Party also has empowerment of women part of its manifesto. The NWFP government has already taken several steps for protection of girl students and female educational institutions and more steps would be taken to ensure that no attacks are carried out on the female schools.

Sherry Rehman said that the women caucus in the National Assembly would present a resolution in the House against the attacks on female schools in Swat and some other parts of the NWFP.

The minister however said that the government has to take in to consideration the collateral damage and migration of the innocent people from the area.

Earlier PML-N MNA Ayaz Amir raised the issue on a point of order stating that it was unfortunate that girl students in Swat were deprived of right to education in the name of Islam.

Amir Muqam of PML-Q said that most of the schools in Swat have been destroyed in Swat. He also pointed out that no compensation has been paid to over one thousand persons who lost their lives in Swat unrest.

PML-N leader Ahsan Iqbal said that it was wrong interpretation of Islam to ban girl students education. Some people are imposing their tribal values and traditions in the name of Islam which would defame the religion in the eyes of the world.

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