Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ulema, Mashaikh let be united against terrorism: Quraishi

MULTAN: Foreign Minister, Makhdoom Shah Mahmud Quraishi has said that Islam decries terrorists and terrorism and teache brotherhood and peace, while people were being slain in the name of Islam, which we strongly condemn.

Addressing the fist session of Hazrat Bahauddin Zakaria Multani ‘urs’ here, Foreign Minister, Shah Mahmud Quraishi said that children’s school were being blown up in Swat, which Islam never permits. He said that an agreement would soon be signed for the provision of fund for protection of Multan heritages with Italy declaring Multan and Rome twin city. H e said Pakistan and Afghanistan have held talks for fighting terrorism and the foreign ministers of both the countries have agreed on this point that Mashaikh teachings should be followed.

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