Tuesday, February 10, 2009

India asks for direct response on terror dossier

DHAKA: India has again asked Pakistan to directly convey its response on the Mumbai carnage instead of airing its views through the media or other fora.

"The fact is that we have Pakistan saying various things at various times, various forms and to various audiences," Foreign Secretary Shivshankar Menon told journalists on his return from Dhaka late Monday.

Menon was responding to media reports on Pakistan's response to the dossier given by India on the 26/11 terror attacks carried out by terrorists who New Delhi says were Pakistanis. Some 170 people were killed.

He said India was "not going to react to statements to the media, different statements through different people, through speculation and through guesswork.

"If they (Pakistan) have something to say to us, they should come and directly talk to us," Menon said.

Pakistan Monday said it needed more information on the Mumbai violence and New Delhi expectedly reacted in anger, accusing Islamabad of insincerity in prosecuting the perpetrators of the carnage.

Pakistan said after a meeting of its cabinet Defence Coordination Committee that the evidence India furnished, pointing to involvement of elements from Pakistan in the Mumbai mayhem, was insufficient.

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